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Travel Mandalas
by Sean Whitehill
Travel Mandalas Logo
Travel Mandalas
by Sean Whitehill

Thirema Cafe, Tortugerro, Costa Rica

20cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Ink and Pencil on 200gsm acid-free paper

$ 485.00 AU


Buy as a print (from AU$85)

Tortuguero is a tiny little village in the remote northeast of Costa Rica. It can only be reached by boat and is situated on a narrow spit of land wedged between a series of rivers and lagoons, and the Caribbean Sea. There’s a National Park there and it’s a known sanctuary for sea turtles, hence its name Turtuguero.

I visited with friends, one in particular a coffee lover like me. Obviously we were not on a coffee tour and our coffee expectations were low. So imagine our surprise when we found this little gem, beautifully decorated with relevant art of coffee culture and local wildlife alike… and a delicious, creamy cappuccino prepared by a staff who understood everything their machine could be used for. A rare thing I’m afraid. In the most unlikely of places...
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